Howard County Maryland Blog

Convention of States in Maryland

Introduction for PZGURU

Posted by pzguru on Sunday, January 28, 2007

A while back, several months I guess, David Keelan asked me about writing some posts for his blog.  I said sure, but with the election, and Christmas, and all of the other things that preoccupy the life of a thirty-something with two children, I just never took that next step.  Well, I’m taking the next step.  You can stop twisting my arm now David.

 Before I get into postings, I wanted to take a little space to introduce myself and give some background on myself. 

My name is Harold Bernadzikowski.  I was born in Baltimore, lived in Bowie, MD, until I was 3, and then moved to Severna Park where I remained until after college.  I then lived in Annapolis, MD (a great place to live), then Elkridge, then West Friendship, and now currently reside in Sykesville, MD, just into Carroll County. 

I attended the University of Maryland (there’s only 1, and it’s in College Park), where I earned a degree in Urban Studies and Planning, with a concentration in Architecture.  After college, I worked for a short time as a surveyor/draftsmen, then spent 3 years as the Associate Planner for the City of Laurel.  I moved on the Howard County Department of Planning and Zoning, where I spent 7 years as a Planner, the last 3 years as a Planning Supervisor.  Two years ago, I left government work and incorporated myself as an independent contractor doing zoning consultation work.  I now work as a project manager for a development company, doing mostly commercial office and flex buildings.

Although I don’t live in Howard County, I work there, and I’ve spent my entire life around or in Howard County, so I feel that qualifies me as a “local”.  

I am married and have to children, and two cats to round out the family.  I do love dogs, and our next pet will be a dog.  Cats are just less maintenance.   

Anyway, that’s enough about me for now.  I want to thank David for inviting me to participate on his blog, and I hope I bring interesting topics and perspectives to the table. 


14 Responses to “Introduction for PZGURU”

  1. Welcome Harold…I am glad Mr. Keelan finally was able to twist your arm hard enough and I look forward to seeing your posts in the future….

  2. Harold,

    Great. Glad you are on board. With the BoE appointment out of the way we may have another blogger joining us – I hope to hear from that person soon.

    Harold will bring a lot of insight to zoning and planning issues in Howard County.

  3. Slim Shady said

    Will the real Tom Berkhouse please stand up?

  4. cindy vaillancourt said

    Welcome – can’t wait to hear from your perspective.
    Cindy v

  5. hocoterp said

    Great addition. Everyone knows the issue of growth, development, planning and zoning are important, but sometimes it’s hard to make sense of it all. Not to pigeonhole you to PZ only, I’m looking forward to other posts as well.

    Also great to see another UMD alum on the blogs. Must not be any UMBC folks out here though because the people I know from there jump all over us saying we’re from the State’s Flagship Institution: the University of Maryland.

  6. Retriever said

    Hocoterp- I graduated from UMBC. I don’t often come across folks who think it is very important to distinguish which Maryland school you attended. If doing so makes you feel like you have a distinguished education, you can have it. You need it much more than I do.

  7. hocoterp said


    So there are UMBC folks out there. My remarks were not meant to give offense, but rather to comment on a quasi-rivalry between the schools. In college, I was a member of a group that had chapters at most of the 4 year higher education institutions in MD, UMBC included. The group had several events annually where all the chapters would attend, and it was custom to refer to people as so-and-so from such-and-such school. Many of your fellow Retrievers took umbrage at the fine folks from the University of Maryland, College Park who said they were from “UMD.” And while it is true that UMCP is the Flagship state institution, to bring it up was a smart-alecky thing to do.

    On a serious note, UMD and UMBC are unique and separate schools and deserve distinct names. Also, I am confident that I achieved a distinguished education at UMD and I do not begrudge or belittle any students or alumni of UMBC.

    Besides, you could kick our ass in chess any day.

  8. Evan said


    Welcome to the blogs! I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts and analysis.


  9. MBT said

    Welcome! Carroll County is really part of Howard County, we just haven’t told them yet! Kitties are soft, furry, purr in your ear and rub against you to tell you they love you. Nothing wrong with that. Dogs are probably smarter and more loyal, but they havent’ figured out that purring thing yet! 😉

    Welcome again!

  10. pzguru said

    Slim Shady,
    That’s an interesting way to welcome someone to blogdom. I have read many of Tom Berkhouse’s comments and agree with much of what he says – but I won’t take credit for his/her work. Sorry to disappoint you.

  11. Slim

    Thanks for posting. Your inaugural post is telling. I am sure we can rely on you for more interesting and insightful commentary. Keep up the fine work anonymous Slim.

  12. Erin C said

    I’m also a UMCP graduate and I am now attending UMUC (University College) for my advanced degrees – just curious – where does that put me?

  13. pzguru said


    That put you on track for a hell of a career! I really hope people are not taking my pride in my alma mater too seriously. I made the comment because there have been many times that I’ve been talking with someone and the conversation turns to where we went to college, and when I say University of Maryland, I often got the response “which one?”. To which I would respond “there’s only one – College Park”. It’s not a knock on the other campuses – they are all excellent colleges. But, if I had gone to another campus I would say that I went to UMBC. I might end up taking some post graduate classes in project management or civil engineering at UMBC so I may one day be a Retriever as well as a Terp.

  14. pzguru said

    Oh, and going to UMUC makes you twice the Terp that I am!

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